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Read Our Handbook

Mission Statement

The mission of Kickin’ Kids After School Care is to provide a quality program for the total child in a safe, nurturing and educational environment, utilizing appropriate martial arts activities to meet individual needs

Belief Statement

We believe all children are individuals and are to be treated with respect.


We believe children learn through play, instruction and by asking and answering questions. 


We believe children need opportunities to develop physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and leadership skills.


We believe children need guidelines for acceptable behavior and to know that there are consequences for unacceptable behavior. 


We believe children should be taught the importance of having a positive attitude. This will raise self-esteem, boost grades in school and assist them in getting along with others. 

Important Information for Parents

Late Fee Policy
Supervised activities begin as soon as children arrive and will end at 5:59 PM for the Kickin’ Kids After School Care program. Please make every effort to be on time. There will be no supervised activities after this time. If you are detained, please call 501-860-7000 and inform the room supervisor you will be arriving after 6:00 PM. A late fee will be assessed for pickups after 6:00 PM. This needs to be paid to the room supervisor immediately upon pick-up. 


          Children picked up from: School Year                           Summer  

  • 6:00 PM to 6:14 PM will be charged a $10 late fee       5:45 to 5:59

  • 6:15 PM to 6:30 PM will be charged a $20 late fee       6:00 to 6:15 

  • After 6:31 PM - $1.00 per minute                                    After 6:15 


During summer our hours are 7 a.m. to 5: 45 p.m


Fees are assessed based upon the time on the Kickin’ Kids After School Care clock. Extended care will be provided but must be pre-arranged. The fee for this service is $10 per hour.


Regular attendance is important for the overall development of your child and the optimum benefit of our program and activities. If academic school is not in session but the Martial Arts Studio is open, Kickin’ Kids After School Care are encouraged to attend regular Taekwondo classes at that time. 


Absences and Withdrawals

Since expenses continue whether or not your child is present, there are no deductions in weekly tuition fees for absences. Please notify the office if your child is ill and will not be attending. Parents must notify our office if their child will not be attending for a particular day or being picked up early. If our studio provides transportation for your child, this information is required for the transportation vehicle attendance record. If your child is to be withdrawn from our after-school program, a 2-week notice is needed, and the account paid in full by the time of withdrawal.


Notice: Please call our office before 1:00 PM if your child will not be picked up from school that day. The office number is 501-860-7000. 


Texts after 2:30 PM and calls after 1:30 PM will be considered a no call.  After the no call, a fee of $10 will be added to your next week’s tuition. During summer please call the Center by 9:00 a.m. 



Children enrolled in our program must have the appropriate forms prepared prior to the first day of attendance. A non-refundable registration fee is due for all children. Re-enrollment is automatic as long as the child continues to attend our studio. A yearly emergency release must be filled out or updated, and a fall registration fee will be required. Registration fee is $65 per child. 



Children must adhere to established conduct rules of Kickin’ Kids After School Care in order to maintain good order and safety. We reserve the right to continue a child’s program based on adherence to established conduct rules. 



The studio is closed for all national holidays:

  • New Year’s Day

  • MLK Day

  • Pressident's Day

  • Memorial Day

  • Good Friday

  • Labor Day

  • Thanksgiving

  • Fourth of July

Tuition remains the same. 


Our studio may also be closed occasionally the day prior or the day following a holiday. Camps may be offered during Christmas and spring break.

Vacation / Holidays

American Martial Arts may be hosting Thanksgiving, Christmas Holiday and Spring Break Camps. For all Kickin’ Kids After School Care students who choose not to attend these weeks, tuition will remain the same. Students participating in the Holiday camp or Spring-Break camp, must pre-enroll to hold a space. Additional fees may apply. Lunch is to be provided by the parent. The studio may, on an announced and scheduled basis, provide lunch for its students for a minimal fee (example: Pizza).  

On days when school is dismissed due to parent / teacher conferences or other non-holiday days, student may attend Kickin’ Kids After School Care the full day for an additional $15/day. Students need to let Mrs. Landreth know an expected drop-off time. Students may stay until 6:00 that evening. Please send lunch and extra snacks for your child. 

Release of Children

Children will only be released to those individuals whose names are recorded on the enrollment forms. Other persons not on the forms must have a written authorization signed by the parent and a verbal authorization from the parent. All persons are subject to proof of identification. If the studio has not obtained a verbal follow-up authorization from the parent, the child will not be released. Parents picking children up at the end of the day must sign them out before leaving.



Our studio must be immediately notified of changes in telephone numbers (home or work), job, family status, custody changes, medical status, doctors or authorized persons to pick up your child. 



Our after-school program includes a short snack break in its schedule. A light snack is provided, but parents may provide additional snacks and drinks. These may be stored at the studio in the student’s locker or in the Kickin’ Kids After School Care foods storage area. Please label with their name. 



Children who become ill during the day may not remain in the studio. Parents will be called to pick up the child as soon as possible. To prevent the spread of infection, please keep your child at home when he / she has an elevated temperature, upset stomach, skin infection or serious cold. If your child has fever, please keep them home until they are fever free for at least 24 hours. Please notify the office if your child will be absent from school and our studio. All illnesses should be reported immediately. 



If your child is injured at the studio, the only treatment that is provided is cleaning with soap and water, ice, Band-Aid and TLC. Individual “accident and incident” reports are given to the parent to inform them of the injury. 


Any injury that requires more than basic treatment will necessitate a parent coming to the studio to determine if professional medical care is needed. 


Some Final Suggestions for Parents

These policies may change from time to time due to regulation and / or studio changes. To help support our studio, we offer the following:

  1. Pick up your child on time.

  2. Treat your studio with respect and professionalism. 

  3. Be prompt with payments and considerate of the rules and standards. 

  4. Adhere to all policies and read any and all information sent home. 

  5. Arrange a backup plan for when your child is sick, or our studio is closed. 

  6. Share information that will assist us with your child (example, parents being out of town, changes in home life, and deaths in family). Any of these and more can affect your child and his / her development. 

  7. Communicate early with any concerns you may have. 

  8. Please make sure your child’s uniform is laundered at least every two weeks.

  9. Always call and report when your child will not be riding the van. 

If you have any questions, just ask!

Please join us on facebook for news and updates we have also included links to our other social platforms.

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  • Yelp
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